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Off-the-beaten-track at CES 2013

” But it was the Puzzlebox Brain Controlled Helicopter that was the star attraction. First there was a remote control helicopter craze. Then there was the Parrot smartphone controlled helicopter. This is 2013. If you’re going to fly, you fly with your mind!

Steve Castellotti, CTO of Puzzlebox, let me have a go. You have to concentrate on something, anything, and the more you stay focused on that task, the more the helicopter will stay airborne. It automatically tries to hover in the same place, so you’re not trying to fly it around the room. You’re just trying to keep it aloft.

For the record, singing the lyrics to Katy Perry’s California Gurls in my head worked pretty well, but repeating the spelling of antidisestablishmentarianism over and over worked the best. I’m glad memorizing the spelling of that word back in fifth grade finally paid off.”

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